I just made the following comment on an atheist fanpage. Thought it worthy to share.

What an interesting fanpage, I guess we all will find out one day but smart people aren’t atheists, they examine and consider every angle.

I fully understand why atheists believe that they don’t believe, and it is due to the fact they can’t believe there is a god because of the bad people around.

I mean, if knew as much as you know, I would also think if there was a god, there wouldn’t be bad people right?

By you and I having free will, god gives you the choice to believe or not, choose to do bad or good, however, you wouldn’t like it if god was a dictator, to tell you what to do and therefore prove his existence. He wants to to discover him when you are ready.

Why don’t you Google “Garanbandal” right now, research this event, and know that this event is coming soon to help everyone better the world and know “truth”.

Update 13 August 2018:

Check out the latest apparitions

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