I received the following email from a work colleague recently. If anything you can do it would be appreciated and all for a good cause.
I have posted on parler, gab and telegram.
Dear Family, Friends, Suppliers, Subcontractors, Supporters and Staff of the Hudson Group
We are at it again………. the Beyond Bitumen Rally 2022 Supporting BEYOND BLUE commencing March 25th.
My goal is to raise $50,000 for Beyond Blue, to assist People suffering all aspects of Mental Health with your help.
May people commit but just don’t get around to going online to donate, so I ask please help if you can.
I am sure that you get many emails requesting your generosity to support a cause or charity – please do not feel uncomfortable if you decide not to sponsor our fundraising for Beyond Blue; but your support would be very much appreciated, and it all goes to a fantastic cause. Even if it’s only a few dollars as it all counts. Alternatively, if you can donate product for auctions that would gladly be accepted.
It’s been a tough few years with COVID affecting many businesses, families and individuals. Beyond Blue has been at the forefront assisting people through the tough times.
This year’s rally will see us driving through the NSW Coast to Merimbula and then back through the Snowy Mountains and Southern Highland Districts.
Many of you have sponsored our endeavours previously and thanks to your generosity team #0606 has raised over $175,000 in the past 6 years making a huge difference to communities needing resources to deal with mental health. Any size donation will be gratefully accepted. Please click on the link below to donate (just hit Ctrl + click) if you are able to assist and again thanks.
As always I am happy to carry signage on my car for donations. Some I already have on the car from past rallies. (if you would like to place a sticker on the car to promote your involvement please let me know but we leave March 25th ).
PS feel free to forward this email to anyone that you think would support Beyond Blue.
Here a link to see why we have the Beyond Bitumen Rally to support Beyond Blue https://beyondbitumen.com.au/about-us/
Here is a link to Beyond Blue https://www.beyondblue.org.au/
Many of us have been affected by depression and anxiety, either personally or through family, friends or colleagues. Right now, over 1 million Australian adults have depression and 2 million are experiencing anxiety. On average, almost 8 people take their lives every day in Australia.
Since 2000, Beyond Blue has been working to reduce the impact of depression, anxiety and suicide by supporting people to protect their mental health and to recover when they are unwell; reduce people’s experiences of stigma and discrimination; and improve people’s opportunities to get effective support and services at the right time. Our vision is for all people in Australia to achieve their best possible mental health.
Dave Donohoe

Beyond Bitumen Supporting Beyond Blue 2022 Wrap – email received 22 April
Team 0606 is back from the 2022 Hire Express Beyond Bitumen supporting Beyond Blue Trek having visited the NSW Southern Highlands, the Monaro Districts and South Coast Districts raising awareness and funds for Beyond Blue. Over 200 people in over 90 cars.
I’d like to thank my team mates Darren Grotto & Paul Caristo for their support and efforts over the 4+ days and their faith when at over 100km/h I had no brakes and a broken sway bar. To the teams that helped in Cooma to fix the car I can’t thank you enough. Teams 0808 (Dan, Matt & Avery), X08 (Tim & Aldo) & 73 ( Chris, Peter & Justin). A massive thank you to ANM Auto Electrics in Cooma that provided their workshop, hoist and just happened to have a HQ 1 tonner project going on and had brake lines for us to use. Without the mechanics and helpers, we would not have been able to finish. To the Sweeps of the rally thank you also.
The rally as at the time of this email has raised over $450,000 a massive effort from everyone! Team 0606 was able to contribute $30,575, a huge effort, and reflection on the generosity of people in the community, because without this funding, the services provided by Beyond Blue would diminish.
It was also an absolute honour for me to receive the Peter Murphy Memorial Award that is awarded to the person that most epitomises Peter’s traits. That is “soldiering on” regardless of what is going on in his (or her) own life. To say I was overwhelmed is an understatement. I will never forget the great bloke that Peter was.
To all of the companies and individuals that made financial donations or donated goods, I and Beyond Blue can’t thank you enough your support is really appreciated and those that have continued to support me year after year a massive thank you.
So, thank you all for your support of Beyond Blue and if anyone would like any further information on the Hire Express Beyond Bitumen event, Beyond Blue or where the funds go, please contact me.
Regards & thanks
Dave Donohoe
Team 0606