Mustang 2015 official video
Further to my previous posts about the 2015 Mustang, here is an official video that will please any car lover, not just the Ford fans. [videoplayer]mustang2015video[/videoplayer]
Further to my previous posts about the 2015 Mustang, here is an official video that will please any car lover, not just the Ford fans. [videoplayer]mustang2015video[/videoplayer]
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The Holden VF Commodore has just been announced by NRMA as a winner of the best large car category 2013. Let's hope those gibberers at Wheels Magazine can see past their
Wow, check out this world record set by the Aussie icon Holden's VF Ute The new Bumblebee is also awesome, using a similar motor? https://youtu.be/qg0qyKTOczk
This will be one super car too when it is in production. Go Bumblebee !! This car also tackled the Nürburgring just like our Holden VF Ute recently did. Update: 13 August 2018 The
I’ve received many remarkable nature photographs over the years but this photo of a nesting Falcon is perhaps the most remarkable Nature shot that I’ve ever seen. I hope you
[covertplayerflowplayerembed trcovertwebm="" trcovertmp4="https://www.davidashton.biz/wp-content/uploads/videos/falconvcommodore.mp4" trcovertogg="" trvideowidth="500" trvideoheight="350" trcontroltype="minimalist" trhidecontrolbar="hideme" trplaybutton="" trasidetime="" trcolorlight="" trnotime="no-time" trnovolume="" trnomute="" trfixedcontrols="" trnotoggle="" trcontrolbarcolor="000000" trtimelinecolor="000000" trprogresscolor="DB0000" trbuffercolor="F9F9F9" trsplashimageurl="" trautoplay="" trloop="" tralignvideo="center" trthumburl="https://www.davidashton.biz/wp-content/uploads/videos/falconvcommodore.jpg" trthumbwidth="155" trthumbheight="100" trpreload="" trtransparent="" trnocontrolbarcolor=""
Oldest running car and driver in history They certainly don't make them like that anymore. This man Owned & Drove Same Car for 82 YEARS. Can you imagine having the same car
I just saw this on the internet. Pretty good advice if you like your car to look good for years to come. Like the human body, ignoring even the smallest signs
Nothing much needs to be said. It is this car that convinced me to wait and buy the new FGX version. I drove the GT and the GS on a
240km/h at Bathurst in Falcon GT V8 Supercar championship leader James Courtney takes the new supercharged FPV GT for hot laps at Mount Panorama. Sneaking suspicions that Ford Performance Vehicles has added
I've been using this product for years. It really does work as it says, it's a bit like Castrol Magnatec on steroids.
The Compressed Air Car developed by Motor Development International (MDI) Founder Guy Negre might be the best thing to have happened to the motor engine in years The $12,700 CityCAT, one
The original version had some very cool music. It has been removed for some unknown reason by the uploader. Video is great regardless. Enjoy!david ashton webmaster https://youtu.be/toLPTjE1GZk
A neighbour came to me recently to fix up a small scratch and I couldn't resist taking a pikkie of this colour matching effort. The pictures tell the story but I
One of my clients came to me after having just purchased this car back in 2008. The previous owner had bought it 2nd hand from a franchised car yard - meaning
I think the biggest challenge I face is fixing up other people's colours. What I mean by that is if a car has already been painted at some stage, it's