Got 3 minutes? 

Then let me poison your brain… 


At least that part of your brain that’s holding you back…
that “mind virus” that doesn’t want you to succeed… and 
all those Inner enemies stopping you from going from 
where you are to where you want to be. 

You see, I’m launching my Stop Drowning (in information 
overload and hype) and Start Doing (the stuff that’ll get you  
results) coaching program on Tuesday… 

But before you join me, you really need PROOF I can help 
you with your SPECIFIC problems. 

So I’ve put together 17 little 3-4 minute sound bites to real 
questions business owners have sent to me over the past 
week or two that you can tune into over the weekend. 

You’ll find them all lurking at…

Or you can pick your poison by clicking on any of the links below… 

I am not getting traffic to my sites? How do I fix this?

How do I find marketing solutions other than Adwords?

My Flyer Doesn’t Work. What Should I do?

I feel stuck doing everything in the business as a one man band. Help!

How do I turn more quotations into contracts?

How do I get started launching a new product into an existing market?

How do I quickly create updated web site content and point of sales material?

I am launching a new web site. How do I find the right words and communicate with the design team?

How Do I Convince People to Come to My Shows

How to identify a profitable niche 

Marketing isn’t as easy anymore and it’s hard to find good people. What’s the solution? 

I’m starting out… what should I do to generate more business?

How do I manage my business, and take it to the next level? 

How do I sort out marketing and streamline work processes 

Which marketing advice should I trust and believe?

How do I sell sponsorships? 

How can I stop giving up? 


Scott Bywater





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Then by all means, feel free to send it out to your own list, add it to your
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Providing you leave it “as is” and don’t make any changes, I’m fine with
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About Scott Bywater

Scott Bywater is internationally recognised as a
leading copywriter & marketing expert.

As the owner of Copywriting That Sells, Bywater
both consults to clients and has a
handful of products that help business owners and
entrepreneurs get more QUALIFIED
customers, increase the ROI from their
advertising and generate leads.

He is the author of Cashflow Advertising and he
has experience in every facet of
sales and marketing including door to door sales,
telemarketing, business to business
sales and consulting giving him a vast experience
to draw from.

What’s more, he has consulted to hundreds of
different industries before creating his
educational programs which have students from
right across the world.

To Find out how to work with Scott 1 on 1, Click here (get more
customers than you can handle)
(increase the ROI from your ads & sales letters) (get over
$371 worth of bonuses for $1 and get a monthly
seminar delivered to your mailbox that my clients
have been paying $500 per hour for until now) (how
to avoid the hidden internet marketing dangers those
“Fat Cat” web firms won’t tell you about) (check out Scott’s
blog for tons of tips and ideas) people
getting real results) (get Scott
to critique your existing ad or sales letter) (refer
your friends to this site to join Scott’s email
list) (get
Scott to create copy for your business)
Scott’s thoughtstream on twitter) (become
friends with Scott on facebook)

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