Below is an article written by a competitor, and of course I agree with him 100%. Check out his links and if you would like some copy done or checked by me, let me know via email or phone.

Ad Camp from Brett McFall - best training ever on copywriting. Ask David all about this if you are interested
Ad Camp from Brett McFall – best training ever on copywriting. Ask David all about this if you are interested

There’s this thing called confirmation bias, which
basically says if you believe something so deeply,
nobody can convince you of any other way.

For instance, there are vegetarians who despite
all the evidence to the contrary will insist on
the fact processed soy is better for you than
organic beef from grass fed cows…

… when it just aint so.

Now we’ve all got our own version of confirmation

You do. I do. Everyone does.

Why? Because we’ve invested so much in our
beliefs, and if anyone dares challenge them…


… right?

We’ll attack them with guns, pitchforks, canons,
whatever… just look at all the “holy wars” that
have been fought over the years.

Long copy vs. short copy is a bit like that.

The people who swear by short copy have never
tested it.

I have.

And apart from one case – squeeze pages where you
are offering a free report in exchange for an email

I’ve found that long copy always works better.

In online videos (yes, I’ve seen 24 minute videos
outpull 12 minute videos even though I can’t imagine
sitting through one in the middle of the day).

And in sales letters.

I wish it wasn’t the case.

I would far prefer to sit down and crunch out one
page instead of 2, 4, 6, 8, 16 or 24 pages of copy.

And if someone can prove me wrong… PLEASE DO IT
(you might just keep me from going grey before my
time ;-).

But until then, I’ll keep sweating it out.


Because of people like Steve Aitken from Aitken
Real Estate.

He was sceptical.
He didn’t think a 5 page letter would work to
generate new listings.

But it DOUBLED his results.

And put thousands of dollars into his pocket.

It could do the same for you…

IF you’ll let go of your own “confirmation bias”

To hear Stephen’s full story (it’s the 10th box
down), click here

All for now,

Scott Bywater


About Scott Bywater

Scott Bywater is internationally recognised as a
leading copywriter & marketing expert.

As the owner of Copywriting That Sells, Bywater
both consults to clients and has a
handful of products that help business owners and
entrepreneurs get more QUALIFIED
customers, increase the ROI from their
advertising and generate leads.

He is the author of Cashflow Advertising and he
has experience in every facet of
sales and marketing including door to door sales,
telemarketing, business to business
sales and consulting giving him a vast experience
to draw from.

What’s more, he has consulted to hundreds of
different industries before creating his
educational programs which have students from
right across the world. (get more
customers than you can handle)
(increase the ROI from your ads & sales letters) (get over
$371 worth of bonuses for $1 and get a monthly
seminar delivered to your mailbox that my clients
have been paying $500 per hour for until now) (how
to avoid the hidden internet marketing dangers those
“Fat Cat” web firms won’t tell you about) (check out Scott’s
blog for tons of tips and ideas) people
getting real results) (get Scott
to critique your existing ad or sales letter) (refer
your friends to this site to join Scott’s email
list) (get
Scott to create copy for your business)
Scott’s thoughtstream on twitter) (become
friends with Scott on facebook)

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377 Kent Street
Sydney NSW 2000
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Copywriting That Sells Suite 21, Seabridge House 377 Kent Street Sydney, New South Wales 2000 Australia (130) 088-2191

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