Below is an article written by a competitor, and of course I agree with him 100%. Check out his links and if you would like some copy done or checked by me, let me know via email or phone.
Should you write differently if you’re selling business to business than if
you’re selling business to consumer?
Interesting question, isn’t it?
And the answer is YES.
And No.
You see, no matter who you write to, you need to create an AVATAR.
A picture in your mind of who that person is – their fears, their concerns,
their problems, their inner desires, their age, etc.
If you can do that – you can communicate one-to-one far more succinctly.
So of course, if you’re selling photocopy machines to business owners or
whatever, you’ve got to address those concerns and tailor your copy
The same way you need to tailor your copy to a mother when you’re
selling nappies.
Or an overweight middle-age person when you’re selling a flab-burning
Or a car-owner when you’re selling your mechanical services.
But apart from that, it’s pretty much the same.
You don’t need to change the length.
You don’t need to change the way it’s written.
You don’t need to change the type.
Because whether you’re selling business to business or business to
If you are the marketing manager of a big, multi-national corporation, do
you have fears? Do you have desires?
Do you have frustration? Do you have the same weird emotions that the rest
of us do?
Of course you do.
And that’s what copywriting is all about.
You never sell to a business.
You always sell to a human being.
Want proof?
Then let me ask you: what is one of the most conservative industries on the
Even stuffy, perhaps?
Don’t tell my brother in law (he is one), but many would say accountants.
Peter Johnson invested $6,000 for a mail out to accountants which generated
$187,000 in revenue in 12 months – a return on investment of over 3,000%.
If you’re selling to business owners, there’s no reason you can’t achieve
similar results.
Get the full scoop on how he did it by clicking here
All for now,
Scott Bywater
About Scott Bywater
Scott Bywater is internationally recognised as a
leading copywriter & marketing expert.
As the owner of Copywriting That Sells, Bywater
both consults to clients and has a
handful of products that help business owners and
entrepreneurs get more QUALIFIED
customers, increase the ROI from their
advertising and generate leads.
He is the author of Cashflow Advertising and he
has experience in every facet of
sales and marketing including door to door sales,
telemarketing, business to business
sales and consulting giving him a vast experience
to draw from.
What’s more, he has consulted to hundreds of
different industries before creating his
educational programs which have students from
right across the world. (get more
customers than you can handle)
(increase the ROI from your ads & sales letters) (get over
$371 worth of bonuses for $1 and get a monthly
seminar delivered to your mailbox that my clients
have been paying $500 per hour for until now) (how
to avoid the hidden internet marketing dangers those
“Fat Cat” web firms won’t tell you about) (check out Scott’s
blog for tons of tips and ideas) (real people
getting real results) (get Scott
to critique your existing ad or sales letter) (refer
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