Almost everyone who wants to learn how to write makes this mistake.
They think just swiping a good headline is the trick.
But it’s not.
Because you’re only looking at the tip of the iceberg.
The real work in creating a headline lies beneath the surface.
It’s all about understanding your client…
Think about it, if we used one of those headlines we mentioned the other day…
“This will make you”
And we used it with someone with knee pain.
And we said…
“This will make your back pain disappear.”
Would it work?
No way.
Because we haven’t hit their main concerns.
The words matter, yes.
But look at it like this.
Let’s say you suffer from big toe pain. And every time you walk on the beach, after 11 steps… your big toe gets intense pain.
And you come to me as a therapist. I look into your eyes and say…
Does your big toe hurt just after you start walking on the beach?
Instant trust, right?
You’re like, how did he know that?
And the same goes with marketing.
If you ask the questions, and you discover exactly what your clients pain points are (they’ll tell you)…
Then make no mistake about it…
You’ll create web sites, emails, etc. that “pop” and convert.
Because you understand your customers at a far deeper level than anyone else.
Need help doing this?
Then send me a reply email.
All for now,
Scott Bywater